He started by explaining to the students that Youth Bulge is a phenomenon where most of the population of a nation is made up of children and youth. Dare took the mic and greeted the audience on behalf of his country before introducing the topic for the session. Sundar M N commenced the event by welcoming the guests for the day, Mr. A talk was conducted on 24th June on the topic ‘Meeting the Youth Bulge Challenge’ to give students a chance to learn from an eminent personality like Mr. Sunday Akin Dare for an interactive session with the students.

JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) invited veteran journalist and former Minister of Sports and Youth of Nigeria, Mr. The session ended with all the participants including students and faculty members taking a digital pledge of saying no to drugs and yes to life, as initiated by the Commissioner of Police, Bengaluru. This further helped convey the message to every student. Satish invited students to share the knowledge they had gained in the session with their peers in regional languages of Kannada and Hindi. She also asked them to invest their faculties into developing good habits to reap the benefits in their future and be good citizens of the country. Asha Rajiv, Director, SoS added that it was important for students to be more careful when they go out with their friends, watch out and stay alert. He urged the students to be more aware and seek help from their family, faculty and authorities whenever necessary. Satish also spoke about breaking the chain as a crucial part of stopping and countering drug abuse. He also pointed out the trauma that an addict’s parents have to go through as well as society’s treatment of the family. The audience was encouraged to participate in the discussion on how drugs affect an individual’s academics and personal life. Using a detailed presentation, he described the signs one should look out for in a drug addict based on the changes in their behaviour. He went to explain how today’s youth gets trapped into drug addiction and how it starts to affect their health. Satish on stage, who then initiated the session by asking the students what they understood about drugs. Satish, Circle Inspector, SJ Park police station along with his colleagues were invited to spread awareness among the students on this sensitive issue.

School of Sciences, JAIN (Deemed-to-be University) organised a talk on 26th June to commemorate the International Day for Drug Abuse and Trafficking.