Now I need link to download the master suite CS 6 on new laptop.

It worked I was able to get serial number. The thing I read said it also worked for CS3 and onwards so it may work with CS6, but no guarantees. This is pretty academic for Creative Cloud as it uses a subscription model, yet a serial is still used behind the scenes. Towards the bottom you should see a field Copy these files to the desktop and change the suffix to *.txt and open in a text editor.

Once visible you should see files inside with *.swidtag extensions-these are standard xml files. This is a hidden folder and so you need to first go into Control Panel and change your 'folder options' to make them visible. I am not using any of the old products now, just Creative Cloud, where this method does reveal a serial number-at least under Windows 10, but can't test the older products I came across a different method a while back that allows for a serial to be retrieved from a folder on your hard disk. There is an equivalent for Macs but that costs $20. I thought this all happened last month but.As Bob says Belarc Advisor will find all your old serial numbers and it is free. Yes it is time to wave your flags, BBQ animals or vegetables and spend quality time with friends and neighbors.